20+ years side-stepping large AI backend projects to create real business impact
The Tough Reality
AI is radically transforming businesses. The best part is that it reduces inefficiencies and allows us to double down on our strengths - whether it is our existing team, product, or customers.
Most AI projects focus on organizing data and algorithms over prioritizing business results. Doing that is risky, and we do it differently.

Our Work
We help boost both startups and new efforts at Fortune 50 companies. Our focus is on AI driven Strategy, Transformation, Architecture, & Software Developement.
How we Work
We help organizations succeed with AI projects in a few different ways:
- We help developers break down challenging AI problems, reuse components from our library, deliver results in an agile manner, and to adopt mindsets for AI success.
- We help projects scale by reviewing techinal architecture and making sure teams understand opportunities for improving results.
- We work with product teams to help prioritize projects to make an impact and make sure that the AI efforts are part of a larger suite of capabilities to maximiaze value to users.
- We work with marketing & sales teams to help align their missions with AI capabilities, and for steakholders alignment for upcoming AI features.
Our work ranges from hands-on work, to advising key projects members, and training teams.
Our goal with every project is to make it succeed. Our experience with AI means we help make decisions so that business results can be gotten quickly. We focus on 3 pillars:
- Value and Risk Aware Roadmapping: Technology projects loose sight of who they try to help. We make sure to understand what value really means and try to find low-hanging fruit instead of only delivering value at the end. Our work with clients helps to make results concrete before larger restructuring efforts need to take place.
- ROI and Use-Case Aligned: AI efforts don't need to only focus on back-end considerations like LLM training and other data-engineering considerations. By starting with business needs and use-cases we help speed-up organizational alignment and frequently both uncover and solve hidden problems.
- AI as a Differentiator: AI is considered cool theses days, and that makes most organizations want to adopt it. But, the largest opportunities with AI comes to those that are able to question core businesses assumptions. We build a track record of success for AI at companies, to help them differentiate themselves with AI.
We work with organizations to identify what an AI transformation effort would look like for them. We look for opportunities for delivering 90% of the value with 10% of the effort.
About Us
i3Labs was started by Vineet Sinha after noticing both the opportunity that computers bring as well as the challenges in making sure technologies meet users pains and help them with solutions.
Vineet loves exploring technologies to make users' lives better. Beyond invesigating ideas while doing his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at MIT CSAIL, he has also worked with Microsoft, Accenture Technology Labs, Motorola, Salesforce, and many startups.
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