
  • Architexa goes Open Source

    architexa_logo_icon The dream behind Architexa started when I was working on my PhD. I realized that as programmers, we often have to look at a lot of code. And, that if we have tools to help experienced programmers get a better view of the code (and in particular its architecture), we could save them a lot of time.

    The underlying stats are shocking – coders spend 5x as much time modifying code than writing new code and 3x as much time understanding code than modifying code (more – When Understanding means Rewriting). With that, the work started first as a tool (Relo) to create box-and-arrow diagrams (like class-diagrams) using the code as a guide. It then added another tool (Strata) to guesstimate a layered-architectural-diagram using code dependencies with heuristics for breaking cycles. And, finally with Architexa we added a tool to show run time information in code using sequence diagrams.